Remembering Bill Russell

Giving Gap extends our heartfelt condolences to the friends and family of NBA and civil rights legend, Bill Russell, as they mourn his recent passing.
Giving Gap extends our heartfelt condolences to the friends and family of NBA and civil rights legend, Bill Russell, as they mourn his recent passing.
Prosecutor Impact seeks to improve outcomes for the millions of people impacted by the U.S. criminal justice system.
Give Black Alliance informs, reforms and transforms the practice of philanthropy by increasing the assets and power of Black philanthropy and communities.
The AACM is a non-profit organization and a collective of composers and musicians dedicated to nurturing, performing and recording high artistic level programs designed to magnify creative music.
The Museum of African American History's mission is to inspire all generations to embrace and interpret the authentic stories of New Englanders of African descent, and those who found common cause with them, in their quest for freedom and justice.
Black Economic Council of Massachusetts' mission is to advance the economic well being of Black businesses, organizations that serve Black communities, and Black residents of Massachusetts.
Single Family Living empowers, mentors, and inspires children from single parent homes. Our areas of focus are irradicating poverty, overcoming functional illiteracy, stabilizing financial equity in housing, and mobilizing equal learning globally.
Vot-ER uses healthcare settings as a place to register folks to vote or help them get their mail in ballot.
Boston Art & Music Soul (BAMS) Fest Inc. is an award-winning nonprofit focused on creating economic development opportunities for Greater Boston’s BIPOC creatives, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.
Black Women in Technology encourages Black women and other women of color to enter careers in technology.